I want you all to close your eyes for a second. Actually, don't do that. Then you wouldn't be able to read. Okay, instead of closing your eyes, just pause for a moment and imagine what a band formed just four months ago would sound like. Okay, paused? Imagined? Alright. Well let go of that thought now because, well, you're wrong. It's not calatamous or sloppy or at all shite.
Instead it's rather quite glorious, going by Brighton four-piece The Hundredth Anniversary, at least. The band may have only played their first live show a matter of weeks ago, and might have only got around to recording a handful of tracklss so far, but judging from 'Slip' - the only song available online at this stage - there's certainly plenty of reason to be excited. It's brooding and it's warm and it's fuzzy and it's beautiful. They're due to release a split cassette with GUM and Tyrannosaurus Dead through Reeks of Effort on June 30.
Edit: fixed SoundCloud embed:
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