I always thought Voluntary Butler Scheme was alright. Not incredible, sometimes not my cup of tea lyrically, but on the whole I enjoyed his music (and also his production on other people's music, such as Sweet Baboo) - but I really didn't foresee myself blogging excitedly about a new release from him in 2011.
The Chevreul EP has just gone up on bandcamp and Rob, still based in the midlands if his tagging is anything to go by, has really developed and expanded his sound. It's never been straight down the middle and bland pop and has always been fairly varied, but here Rob takes a much more experimental turn. There's an increased focus on electronics - some vocal effects (at times even along almost Animal Collective lines), the use of samples, twinkling and looping synths and even hip-hop beats and turntable scratching popping up here and there. It's not all new sounds, though, with the single sticking to the fairly similar catchy big pop sounds as previous works.
The EP is apparently just a taster for a new album (following on from his At Breakfast, Dinner, Tea debut) coming, presumably, fairly soon. It's said to include some instrumental stuff, which should be interesting. Listen to the incredibly catchy (and with awesome guitar twanging) new single 'To the Height of a Frisbee', and also the EP in full, below. There's also a free remix from Dan Le Sac if you, unlike me, are interested: here. I'm actually really excited by this!
To The Height Of A Frisbee by Voluntary Butler Scheme
Bandcamp | MySpace
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