BAANEEX are a band from London. They describe themselves as “Dracula-inspired garage punk/noisepop/roarcore.” Although not especially useful in actually working out how their music is going to sound, this little bio does at least give you a hint that they might be a bit odd.
Indeed they are rather odd. As well as odd, their sound is somewhat wide-spanning and incredibly difficult to pin down. Weird Dance 2 is two songs, or two bands even, in one. All kraut-y influenced weirdness – a looping bassline strutting alongside wobbling synth amidst moments of semi-shouty vocals and even some kazoo – takes up the first few minutes of the track, but is then interrupted by speedily jerked guitar and raucous drums, only for the kraut-y jams to return once more. It’s chaotic and confusing, but exciting, fun and even manages to be catchy.
They’re equally as multi-faced, noisey, screechy and unpredictable with the rest of their recorded output thus far. Picnic Swan sees them verging on almost prog-rock territory, a guitar licks over bass-y blurring and an echoing synth line; dragging on but doing it gracefully for 4 minutes before the synth starts to pierce through, bass swell and drums build. Nothing really happens, but nothing really needs to. Hoovering Concrete is mostly dirty indie rock instrumental jams, only breaking down for periods of Sonic Youth-styled brash noise.
Coool Count, on the other hand, is a one minute catchy, fuzzy pissing-around jam - switching from repetitive spoken word layers to shouty aggression, but what really grabs the attention most is the amusing (and NSFW) vocals/lyrics. And 90 second long Football Round Up is of similar lo-fi instrumental jamming vain.
I’m pretty sure I don’t understand it, and God knows where they’re planning to go with it, but regardless, this is great. Just give it a bloody listen. Debut EP Weird Dance is out on Odd Box Records here.
BAANEEX - Weird Dance 2
BAANEEX - Coool Count
BAANEEX - Hoovering Concrete
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