There Is No God is a pretty outlandish and bold statement to put as the title of a song. The type of statement that, although might catch the eye, make smile, and perhaps even improve the opinion (in a roundabout way) of a certain percentage of listeners, could put off a good portion of the band’s potential fans who are of opposing religious or spiritual opinion.
Of course not all of those of the believing disposition would dislike Mrs. Magician simply for opting for that as the title (and chorus) of a song, it is likely to irk at least a small minority. But, if even the most offended of theists did give There Is No God a listen, they might struggle to resist its charms – a catchy juxtaposition of surf-y pop sounds with noisey, rock-y guitar riffs and distorted bass sounds (very possibly inspired by the likes of Best Coast and Wavves).
It’s a juxtaposition that Mrs. Magician do well. The almost opposingly titled Angel Baby takes similar, though notably less upbeat, cues; 60s slow motion pop influences regurgitated through cheap microphones and distorted guitars, and with I'm Gonna Hang Out With The Lesbians Next Door & Drop Acid (not even going to comment on that song title) bringing a modern touch to a similar era; opting for catchy surf-y guitar twitches and echoed vocals, whilst a second guitar screeches discordantly throughout.
Although there may be a mass of others bands using similar formulae today, Mrs. Magician do it to at least as enjoyable effect and their two 7” releases (There Is No God out October 2010 and The Spells out March 2011) are definitely worthy of your time – especially given they’re both available for free download from their bandcamp page.
Mrs. Magician - There Is No God
Mrs. Magician - I'm Gonna Hang Out With The Lesbians Next Door & Drop Acid
Mrs. Magician - Angel Baby
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